Return to the world of Warcraft, where the battle between the evil Orcs and the noble Humans rages on. With powerful new allies, terrifying creatures and ingenious weaponry, the struggle for the domination over Azeroth continues. - 28 campaign scenarios within two separate story lines - Command unique weapons of war including dragons, submarines, elven archers, gryphons, zeppelins, battleships, and death knights - Map builder for creating your own scenarios - Combined-arms, tactical combat on land, sea and air - AI provides incredible challenge by learning, adapting and responding to your actions After destroying mystic gate into Azeroth, the Humans discover that the rift which allows the Orcs passage into their world still exists! Human forces must now venture beyond the Dark Portal into the dark, uncharted lands of the Horde... - Dominate or die in 24 all-new scenarios set within two new story lines - Discover new lands in over 50 custom maps created exclusively for bigger, bolder, and bloodier battles - Step through the Dark Portal and venture into the Orc Homelands for the first time - New legendary heroes aid in your quest as their battle between man and Orc continues - 3D cinematic sequences that brought the world of Warcraft to life