Dive into the heart-pounding action as MT Force, an elite government unit racing against time to unravel the mysteries of enigmatic anomalies. Rumors suggest that a mysterious scientist made contact with aliens, and now everything is out of control!

Game Modes:
Ranking mode: designed for beginners, where losing a life impacts your standings. Ideal for a relaxed game while you learn to combat different types of enemies.
Arcade Mode: Players with experience in the genre will be able to test their skills in the classic 3 lives, 2 continues system.

Game Speeds:
Normal: Start at the default pace.
Turbo: Unleash after conquering the story mode. Prepare for total destruction!

Other features:
● Immerse yourself in stunning 3D graphics with dynamic real-time shadows and lighting.
● Powerful soundtrack
● Unlockable Z character, the best mutant with special abilities may be at the disposal of the MT team
● A classic fast-paced run'n'gun experience
● Epic boss battles and many mini bosses
● The authentic spirit of arcades
● Dont lose your weapons! After every stage or if you lose a live, all your weapons remains!
● Motorcycles and spaceships!
● Great variety of gameplay. From traditional levels to thrilling shooting galleries and skill-testing mini-games.